Greetings / ご挨拶

The European patent landscape has finally seen the Unified Patent Court and the Unitary Patent become part of the European patent landscape. And they are used broadly, and effectively, often resulting in a heavy burden and high exposure of the defendants in UPC litigation.

Especially for the Japanese industry which has used the new system only occasionally so far, one focus of this conference will be on key learnings from the many legal proceedings already decided on by the UPC.

The EPO practice is constantly changing, with the expectation and hope that past and imminent referrals to the Enlarged Board of Appeal will provide more guidance and certainty to patent proprietors.

New legislation trends and initiatives, sometimes scaring the industry, can be seen at the EU. We will put them into context and highlight what needs to be focused on.

In the US, the presidential election has the potential to impact patent policy, patent litigation and patent prosecution practices. For example, ongoing efforts include potential new legislation on patentability (35 U.S.C. § 101), legislation on revising PTAB practices, and a highly concerning USPTO regulatory effort to make critical changes to terminal disclaimer/double patenting practice. These developments could significantly change your current IP budgets, monetization strategies, and patent prosecution practices.

On the first conference day (November 12) we will focus on prosecution and validity issues, including the impact of increasingly common involvement of AI and digital technologies throughout all industries. And we will also address monetization of IP portfolios, following the increasing expectations IP departments are faced with.

The second day will focus on litigation, both on validity in post-grant proceedings and in patent enforcement strategies.

For the first time, we will offer a dedicated executive session in the afternoon of November 13 for IP leaders who cannot attend the whole conference. We highlight most important aspects from the conference and have panels on key factors for success in global patent disputes, involving senior management speakers from the Japanese industry sharing their experience.

As in the past years, in addition to comparative views of the situation in the US and Europe, expert comments from a Japanese perspective will be provided.

Simultaneous interpretation into Japanese will be provided throughout both days.

On the evening of the first seminar day, we are happy to invite all seminar participants to our CPPC Reception at the banquet hall „Shinju” (3rd floor). We truly look forward to this chance to meet you in person again.





米国では、大統領選挙が特許政策、特許訴訟、特許実務に影響を与える可能性があります。 例えば、特許性(35 U.S.C. § 101)に関する新たな立法や特許審判部(PTAB)実務の改正に関する立法への動き、また、ターミナルディスクレーマー/二重特許実務に大きな変更をもたらす米国特許商標庁(USPTO)規則の取り組みなどが現在進行中です。これらの動向は、知財業務に関する現行の予算、収益化戦略、実務を大きく変える可能性があります。

初日(11/ 12)には、あらゆる産業においてますます一般化しつつあるAIやデジタル技術の関与の影響を含め、権利化と有効性の問題に焦点を当てて講義を行います。また、知産ポートフォリオの収益化についても取り上げます。


11/ 13の午後は、初の試みとしてエグゼクティブセッションを開催します。本セッションでは、セミナー両日を通じてとりあげた中でも特に重要な内容に焦点を当て、グローバルな特許紛争を成功させるための重要な要素について、日本企業からのゲストパネリストからのご経験談も交えてパネルディスカッションを行います。




November 12, 2024 (Tue)
9:00 – 17:30

Evolving Challenges in Patent Prosecution

  • Double patenting: Update on U.S. case law (from In Re Cellect to Allergan) and the new rule on terminal disclaimers proposed by the USPTO / Rules on double patenting and interplay with antitrust law in Europe
  • Patentable subject matter (35 U.S.C. § 101) in the U.S. and the expected impact of the Patent Eligibility Restoration Act (PERA) / Trends regarding patent eligibility in Europe
  • Recent change to obviousness analysis in U.S. design patent law - LKQ Corp., Keystone Automotive Industries, Inc. v. GM Global Tech. Operations LLC (CAFC 2024)
  • Claim interpretation at the EPO and the UPC / The U.S. perspective on claim interpretation
  • EPO case law on data requirements in various technologies after the Enlarged Board of Appeal’s decision on plausibility in G2/21 and the U.S. perspective
  • Comparative EP/US treatment of inventions to AI or other digital technology
  • Panel discussion: Expanding horizons – mastering interdisciplinary innovation

November 13, 2024 (Wed)
9:00 – 13:00

Patent Litigation and Enforcement Strategies

  • Recent trends in IPRs in the US and revocation actions, oppositions in Europe (national, UPC, EPO)
  • Update on the Sanofi/Regeneron v. Amgen revocation case after the decision of the UPC
  • Comparative panel on litigation strategies and choice of venue
      • First experience from hearings/procedures before the UPC and resulting strategies for Europe
      • Extraterritoriality in patent damages
      • Obtaining evidence to prove infringement (UPC vs. national inspection procedures)
      • Transparency and confidentiality in IP Litigation
      • Attorney fees and exceptional cases in the U.S. (Delaware NPE disclosures)
      • Texas Courts – What to know

November 13, 2024 (Wed)
14:00 – 17:30

Executive Session – Strategic Approaches to International Patent Disputes and IP Monetization

  • New legislation, initiatives, and trends
      • Litigation funding in the U.S. – the business of patent litigation
      • The recent EU proposal/discussions on regulating SEPs and key implications from the EU AI Act
      • EU revision of antitrust law on technology transfer
      • Impact of the EU Data Act
      • Pharmaceuticals: EU reforms on data protection and SPCs
  • Keys for success in international patent disputes
      • Executive summary of morning session on litigation strategies and choice of venue
      • Key aspects of global IP disputes
          • Global litigation management and coordination
          • Cross-border strategies
          • Obtaining evidence according to Sec. 1782
          • Observations from US/EP practitioners: What matters most for performance and success of Japanese companies
  • How to create resilient portfolios in view of IP monetization

Conference Venue / 会場

KUDAN-KAIKAN TERRACE (2nd floor Banquet Hall “HOUOU”)
1-6-5 Kudan Minami, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

Dates and Times / 日時

DAY 1 - November 12, 2024 (Tue)
  • 9:00 – 17:30
    Evolving Challenges in Patent Prosecution
  • 18:00 – 20:30
    Dinner Reception at Banquet Hall "SHINJU" (3rd floor)

DAY 2 – November 13, 2024 (Wed)
  • 9:00 – 13:00
    Patent Litigation and Enforcement Strategies
  • 14:00 – 17:30
    EXECUTIVE SESSION – Strategic Approaches to International Patent Disputes and IP Monetization

Participation Fee / 受講料

We are happy to offer this year’s conference free of charge


For registration, please use the Registration Form on the REGISTER page.

Go to REGISTER page

We recommend registering early since seating capacity is limited!

Seminar Program / セミナープログラム

More detailed information on the seminars will be available in August on the website

Inquiries and Further Information / お問合せ先

For inquiries or further information, please contact CPPC office at